7 steps to measuring success...There is so much pressure on us to measure our success in life ... be it deadlines, clocks or schedules. Yet often what stops us from taking any action is the belief that it is just too big to tackle. Try these seven steps to help you measure your success without all the stress...
What's your [im]PRINT?Have you ever wondered what it is that drives your actions? Why you do what you do? Why you say what you say, and think what you think? Learn how to embrace your Best Self, Shadow side while understanding your behaviour and motivations.
Optimise your workplace...In any group or team dynamic, regardless of an organisation's culture, there are always multiple personalities to contend with. So just how do you find a common language that is shared by all? Enter the Enneagram of Personality Typology.
Know your [work] type...Ever wondered what your [work] type is? And if you're truly working at your highest capacity? The Team Management Profile is an individual report, which helps you understand how work preferences can be used to build performance levels, team effectiveness and job satisfaction. Find out more...
School TalkSchool Talk: Conversation protocols & resources for leaders and teachers is a new simple step-by-step guides for leaders and teachers to have important conversations. With original protocols and resources, take a look inside.